what we believe
Christ Centered
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we are called to commit ourselves to His lordship in every area of our lives. Jesus must be the passion of our lives and we should “seek for Him to have first place in everything”
Col. 1:18
Therefore, as the body of Christ at OTBC we will strive to keep the focal point of our ministries upon the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus. The purpose of every area of ministry and activity and the criteria by which they are evaluated shall be the affirmation of the centrality of Jesus Christ.
Col. 3:23-24 Heb. 12:2
Biblically Based
The authority for our lives and ministries is the inerrant Word of God. We will humbly seek to submit ourselves to its teachings and live lives of obedience, which results in the transformation of our lives to the image of Christ.
Every ministry decision will be evaluated in light of Scripture.
2 Tim: 3:16-17
Spirit Driven
Absolute presence and power of The Holy Spirit to cause fruitful living and ministry; cultivating the Spirit filled life which results in the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit. Prayer is essential both in the life of the individual and the body as a whole.
Gal. 5: 16-; 22-25 Eph. 5: 15-20
Missionally Mandated
Radical pursuit of the Great Commission
Matt. 28:19-20
Gospel –ministries will intentionally share the Gospel which is God’s way of salvation for all people
Acts 4:12 John 14:6
Our strategy for missions is to be Christ’s witness locally, regionally, nationally and globally
Acts 1:8
Sacrificially Living
Humble servanthood- our ministry is built on the assumption that no task is beneath any of our members so that we undertake every ministry with a humble heart; service is both a privilege and a calling and when we truly follow Christ we serve as He served.
Phil. 2: 5-11 Rom. 12: 1-2
As faithful stewards we want to excel in the grace of giving.
1 Cor. 4: -2 2 Cor. 8: 1-9
Family Focused
To facilitate the development of strong Christian families
We uphold the sanctity of marriage
We seek to equip and encourage families as God’s central institution for spiritual growth- Gospel saturated homes.
Parents are being trained and encouraged as the primary disciplers of their children.
Deut. 6: 1-9 Ps. 78: 1-8
Spiritually Maturing
We believe that every believer is called both to the pursuit of personal holiness as well as committed to spiritual growth.
Seek to grow deeper in walk with Christ through the practice of personal spiritual disciplines.
Accountability / Small group / Love God / Love People
Matt. 22:37-40 Phil. 3: 10-14 1Cor. 13: 11
Culturally Relevant
Commitment to flexibility and innovation; to engage current culture with the timeless message of the Gospel; do whatever it takes to maximize kingdom effectiveness and ministry efficiency, including ongoing evaluation of organizational structures and ministry programs.
2 Cor. 9: 19-23 Acts 13: 36
God Glorifying
Cultivate a lifestyle of worship through both corporate and individual/family worship; seek to have both a growing maturity in worship and to continue to develop a deeper understanding of worshipping in spirit and in truth.
John 4: 23-2 Psalm 150
Church Connected
An ever deepening sense of community amongst the body of Christ; centered on who we are in Christ; same mind, purpose, love and united in same spirit.
Phil. 2: 1-4 Hebrews 10: 25